Career Outlook
Projected Regional Growth
  • Project Engineer
  • Design Engineer
  • Facilities Engineer
  • Packaging Engineer
  • Supply Chain Specialist
  • Operations Engineer

For individuals who

Want to design, 指导和协调每一种产品从头到尾的生产过程和生产系统.

Looking for


To become

  • Material Planner
  • Machinist
  • Cost Estimator
  • Quality Assurance Engineer
  • Business Consultant

The Profession

In the modern landscape, where everything relied upon is manufactured, businesses turn to manufacturing engineers for the design, direction, and coordination of processes that bring products to fruition. As industries try to improve products and lower costs, manufacturing engineers are at the forefront, applying scientific principles to enhance the productions of goods. They are key team members across diverse sectors, 从汽车和电子产品到食品和娱乐设备, and more. In all cases, 制造工程师设计流程和系统来制造具有所需功能的产品, to high quality standards, available when and where customers prefer, 以最好的价格和环保的方式.

The Program

制造工程由ABET工程认证委员会认证,, 根据委员会的制造和类似命名的工程项目的一般标准和项目标准. As graduates of the Manufacturing Engineering Program, 个人获得设计系统和流程的技能,以提高组织运营的质量和生产力. 在基本工程和管理原则方面有坚实的基础, they effectively integrate people, technology, machines, and financial resources to create positive change, ensuring the optimal production of goods.

在这个项目中有动力的本科生有机会探索一个加速的学位路径. IME部门提供加速工程硕士课程. The advantage to this non-thesis, 以项目为基础的学位选择是将600级的预先建立的课程乐虎集团于两个学位, 在本科学位之后只提供一年的研究生学位. 该课程包括30个研究生学分,外加笔试. 有资格进入研究生院攻读工程硕士加速课程, 学生必须完成至少60个学分,并保持累积GPA为3.0 or higher.

Faculty and Facilities

Currently housed in the Engineering Building, part of an eight-building engineering complex, 该系设有七个教学和研究实验室, 迎合学生不同的教育和研究需求. 这些专业实验室涵盖了包括计算机模拟在内的一系列领域, human factors, automation and robotics, additive manufacturing and biomanufacturing, computational modeling, bioinformatics and operations research, PLC’s, manufacturing/fabrication processes, rapid prototyping, CNC machining, and microfabrication, as well as welding and precision manufacturing. In the fall of 2026, NDSU的工程学院将开放新的Richard Offerdahl '65工程综合体. 这个尖端的设施将以最先进的研究和学习空间为特色, 装备未来的工程师,以满足不断变化的需求,无论是大学和工业界的后代.

该系的教师和工作人员在工业和制造专业方面拥有丰富的经验. IME的教职员工致力于亲自了解每个学生, recognizing their strengths, understanding potential challenges, and providing support whenever necessary. Upon graduation from NDSU, 学生将为事业成功培养优秀的能力, the confident ability for lifelong personal growth, and a network of friends and professional colleagues.

Career Opportunities

NDSU的IME课程为各种职业机会或在NDSU或其他机构寻求高级学位打开了大门. IME课程帮助学生在通识教育和工程基础方面打下坚实的基础, 提供广泛的职业选择和促进终身成长的基础. These programs also equip students with industry-standard skills, 打开通往许多职业机会的大门,获得经济回报和职业成功. 制造工程专业的毕业生已经成为生产生物医学设备等产品的行业的人才来源, transportation and construction equipment, and aircraft and spacecraft. IME应届毕业生的起薪在工程学科中名列前茅. According to Payscale.目前,美国制造工程师的平均起薪为76,452美元. (

Transfer Admission


Scholarship and Financial Aid

工业与制造工程系每年提供几项奖学金. 奖学金提供给新生、转学生和在校生. 其他形式的经济援助可以通过财政援助和奖学金办公室获得.

Selective Admission


MANUFACTURING Engineering Minor

主修任何工程学科的学生都可以选修制造工程辅修课程. 这些选修课为工程专业的学生提供了在他们的技术能力上增加重要的职业技能的机会. 辅修课程总要求为18学分(12学分为必修课,6学分为认可选修课).